Ms. Ramjattan Beats the Gallows in Trinidad


Amnesty Worldwide and different human rights teams report that over half the international locations on this planet have now abolished the demise penalty in legislation or follow. Particularly, Amnesty Worldwide reviews that 63 international locations and territories have abolished the demise penalty for all crimes, whereas 91 different international locations, quite a lot of that are within the English Talking Caribbean (ESC), retain and use the demise penalty. The international locations that comprise the ESC are: Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados, Dominica, Bahamas and Suriname.

Within the late 1990’s Human Rights Watch and different human rights organizations considered with alarm what they imagine is a pattern towards the rising reputation of hangings within the Caribbean, a vestige of British colonial rule. England had just one type of execution for homicide – that was hanging by the neck till useless. Though England ended the demise penalty in 1991, the ESC maintains the custom of hanging murders. Human rights teams decried the truth that quite a lot of governments within the ESC had undertaken controversial steps to alter their justice programs and constitutions and sever ties with worldwide appeals our bodies to make it simpler to hold out such executions.

In fact, many in america are usually not conscious of the demise penalty debate that raged between human rights teams and the governments of lots of the ESC nations of the Caribbean; nor are they conscious that executions within the ESC are nonetheless carried out by hanging. This text is principally about one ESC girl on demise row who beat the gallows. It’s my perception that gender-bias helped save her from hanging. Nonetheless, first we should take just a few moments to look at the roots of the dialogue. To take action we should take a look at what has turn out to be identified to each the proponents of the demise penalty and people in favor of it abolition, as Pratt and Morgan.


Pratt and Morgan, two consolidated instances from Jamaica, ( Pratt v. Lawyer Common for Jamaica, 2 App. Cas. 1), resulted in a 1993 landmark judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the British courtroom of final resort for a lot of Caribbean nations. In essence, that judgment established the precept that each Pratt and Morgan, who had been prisoners on Jamaica’s demise row for a interval exceeding 5 years, may very well be seen as victims of merciless and inhumane punishment in the event that they had been despatched to the gallows, and will due to this fact, have their sentences commuted to life imprisonment. The Privy Council additionally advisable that different prisoners on demise row within the area for 5 years or extra also needs to have their sentences commuted.

The Privy Council then reviewed the tortured chronology of the appellants’ attraction course of which included misplaced functions for appeals, rulings denying their attraction with no written rationalization, and failure of Jamaica to acknowledge the suggestions of the Inter-American Fee on Human Rights after their overview of the case. It was the ruling of the Privy Council that in any case by which execution is to happen greater than 5 years after sentence there can be sturdy grounds for believing that the delay is equivalent to to represent inhumane remedy or punishment as proscribed by the Structure.

Because of Pratt and Morgan all prisoners within the Caribbean who had been on demise row for longer than 5 years had their sentences commuted to life in jail. Scores of prisoners proceed to be faraway from demise row in consequence. It’s reported that for these remaining the Pratt and Morgan choice has set off a scramble to increase their appeals course of past the 5 12 months restrict. Earlier than Pratt and Morgan, there have been 450 prisoners on demise row all through the ESC. Whereas solely a handful of hangings have occurred within the area since Pratt and Morgan, the demise row inhabitants is now a lot lower than half of what it was in 1993 – a direct consequence of the commutation of sentences.

Within the late 1990’s Trinidad and Tobago was the one ESC nation with ladies on demise row. Amnesty Worldwide reported, as of April 1999, there have been seventy six males and 5 ladies on demise row in Trinidad.


I traveled to Trinidad in June 1999 to be taught extra concerning the nation and concerning the ladies on demise row. The ESC islands of Trinidad and Tobago kind a unitary state, with a parliamentary democracy modeled after the UK. The nation is headed by a president who’s elected by the parliament. There’s an impartial judiciary however constitutional instances could also be appealed to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. The 2 islands host a inhabitants of 1.3 million folks and comprise a land mass about 1.5 occasions the scale of the state of Rhode Island. The southernmost tip of Trinidad is barely three miles from the Coast of Venezuela. The key ethnic group is of East Indian descent (40.3%), adopted intently by these of African descent (39.5%), 18% of the persons are of blended nationality, whereas these of European descent comprise 0.6% of the inhabitants. The nation is endowed with wealthy deposits of oil and pure gasoline and boasted a GDP of $5.4 billion for the 12 months 1996.

Girls on Dying Row

Whereas in Trinidad I used to be in a position to study three of the 5 ladies on demise row. There’s Giselle Stafford. She was sentenced to demise in 1996 for the homicide of a person. Angela Ramdeen was sentenced in 1997 to be hanged. Ms. Ramdeen was convicted for the homicide of her two step youngsters. And, then there may be Indravani Pamela Ramjattan who went to demise row for the 1995 slaying of her widespread legislation husband, Alexander Jordan.

No ladies have been executed in Trinidad since its independence from Nice Britain in 1962. Many of the ladies on demise row are there on account of some type of home violence. Quite a few ladies’s teams, in addition to Amnesty Worldwide, imagine that home violence towards ladies is a lifestyle in Trinidad. It’s reported that 27 ladies had been murdered in home violence encounters in 1998. In whole there have been a reported 2,282 instances of home violence in the identical 12 months. Sadly, there have been solely six ladies’s shelters in your entire nation within the late 1990’s and no authorized help exists for battered ladies. What we all know because the battered spouse syndrome in United States Courts as a protection to assault or murder of a partner is unknown in Trinidad. Such proof if offered in Trinidadian courtroom may solely be used to point out “diminished accountability.”

The Ramjattan Case

Among the many ladies on demise row in Trinidad Ms. Ramjattan’ s case was essentially the most chronicled due to curiosity by ladies’s teams and human rights activists. Regardless of Trinidad’s Lawyer Common’s zeal to hold out the demise penalty for all these on demise row inside the Pratt and Morgan 5 12 months limitation there was a lot native hypothesis that the federal government of then, Prime Minister, Basdeo Panday, wouldn’t execute ladies.

Indravani Pamela Ramjattan, Haniff Hillaire, and Denny Baptiste had been all convicted in 1995, in a joint trial for the homicide of Ramjattan’ s widespread legislation husband Alexander Jordan at Cumuto, Trinidad. The details of the case present that Ms. Ramjattan accomplished the equal of an eighth grade training. On the age of 16 her dad and mom accepted cash from Alexander Jordan, a person in his thirties, who took Ms. Ramjattan as his widespread legislation spouse. That they had six youngsters collectively in a ten 12 months interval. Throughout this similar interval Ms. Ramjattan suffered abuse by the hands of Jordan and in 1991 she left him. She took two of her youngsters and went to the city of Sangre Grande and commenced dwelling with childhood sweetheart, Denny Baptiste. Shortly thereafter, Jordan tracked her down and forcibly broke down Baptiste’s door and took Ms. Ramjattan again to Cumuto. Upon arrival in Cumuto he beat her unconscious.

Shortly thereafter, Ms. Ramjattan wrote a letter to Baptiste and Hillaire, his good friend who lived in the identical housing complicated, to come back to Cumuto to rescue her. Ms. Ramjattan swore in a courtroom affidavit that she did summon Baptiste and Hillaire however by no means requested them to kill her husband. Nonetheless, the proof additional confirmed that late on the night time of February12, 1991, Ms. Ramjattan met Baptiste and Hillaire behind her home. She gave them a chunk of wooden and directed the 2 males to the world in the home the place Alexander was sleeping. Baptiste and Hillaire entered the house and struck Jordan within the head a number of occasions with the piece of wooden whereas he lay sleeping. They then rolled his physique in a mattress sheet, transported him to Jordan’s van, and positioned him inside. Based on testimony, Ms. Ramjattan introduced kerosene to the 2 males who then sprinkled it on Jordan’s physique and set him and the van afire. An post-mortem confirmed that Jordan had died from three blows to his head which fractured his cranium. His physique was additionally coated with first diploma burns.

Ms. Ramjattan was pregnant by Baptiste when she was taken into custody, after the homicide of Jordan. She didn’t converse to a lawyer till a 12 months into her detention as a result of she had no cash to rent a lawyer. The newborn later died when jail officers refused to take her to the hospital when she went into labor.

Following Ms. Ramjattan’s conviction her appeals had been heard by the native courts and by the Privy Council which discovered that her case didn’t match the statutory definition of provocation or illegal power. One of many Privy Council Judges, Lord Browne-Wilkinson, nevertheless, had described the case as “tragic” because it was clear that Jordan had “crushed her mercilessly.” Ms. Ramjattan’ s plight gained the eye of the Coalition Towards Home Violence in Trinidad and different ladies’s teams in Kenya, and all through the world who contend that to hold Ms. Ramjattan can be an injustice, given what they imagine to be her unstable psychological state on the time of Jordan’s demise. A brand new staff of attorneys was assembled which obtained knowledgeable proof on her behalf to take to the Privy Council which alleged that on the time of the homicide Ms. Ramjattan suffered emotional and cognitive distortions that may have rendered her psychologically incapable of understanding the implications of her plan to have Jordan murdered.

It’s attention-grabbing to notice that on the trial degree Ms. Ramjattan’ s lawyer selected to not current proof of her years of abuse. Moderately, it was the prosecution that used the abuse proof to bolster the argument that Ramjattan had a robust motive to homicide her husband. Equally her attorneys selected to not concentrate on the abuse in her first attraction to the Privy Council.

The Privy Council Ruling

In late 1998 native attorneys and supporters of Ms. Ramjattan discovered by means of interviews along with her on demise row the extent of Jordan’s brutality over time. They employed Joanne Cross a lawyer on the British legislation type of Slaughter and Could to file a brand new attraction earlier than the Privy Council. The brand new attraction requested the Privy Council to rethink the case primarily based on new proof. Mentioned proof consisted of a 17 web page psychiatric report on Ms. Ramjattan by a London primarily based knowledgeable on home abuse. Forensic psychiatrist Nigel Eastman of London’s St. George’s Hospital Medical Faculty concluded that Ms. Ramjattan was a basic sufferer of “battered girl syndrome.” The report additionally acknowledged that Ms. Ramjattan suffered “repetitive bodily violence, culminating in a most extreme assault on the 4th of February, repeated rapes… enforced isolation… amounting finally to imprisonment as a hostage within the days main as much as the offense, threats to kill, assaults with weapons, threats with a shotgun, worsened violence if she protested, worsened violence when she escaped, humiliation and psychological abuse ravenous and beating their youngsters and refusing to permit them to go to highschool.”

Many hoped that the Privy Council would rule in Ms. Ramjattan’s favor and set a precedent for the ESC which would offer that home abuse may justify murder in self-defense. On February 3, 1999, the Privy Council did rule in Ms. Ramjattan’ s favor. Nonetheless, the ruling didn’t go so far as her supporters hoped in setting a transparent precedent regarding whether or not abuse can justify murder in self-defense. The ruling did, actually, ship the case again to the Trinidad Courtroom of Attraction. And maybe, extra importantly, supplied Ms. Ramjattan an avenue to flee the gallows.

The Privy Council accepted Ms. Ramjattan’ s new proof as satisfactory grounds to help her allegation of diminished accountability on the grounds that she had not beforehand had the monetary sources to acquire such proof. The Privy Council, additional held, in related half:

Their Lordships’ Board has jurisdiction to listen to additional petitions in respect of the identical matter however the dismissal of earlier petitions. The jurisdiction will nevertheless solely be exercised in distinctive instances the place new floor of attraction are raised of such a character and of adequate advantage to justify a second petition.

* * * * * *

The petitioner seeks depart to adduce new proof, not beforehand relied upon, to help an allegation of diminished accountability. If she will set up the details required by s 4A of the Offences Towards the Individual Act 1925, she would have a protection to the cost of homicide.

* * * * * *

On this petition, their Lordships confined their consideration to the query whether or not a adequate case had been made out for remission to the Courtroom of Attraction. Having determined to remit, they didn’t enter upon the query whether or not the Courtroom of Attraction ought to settle for the brand new proof nor what weight the Courtroom of Attraction ought to give it nor whether or not it certainly justifies the quashing of her conviction for homicide and substituting a conviction for manslaughter or the ordering of a retrial. All of those are issues for the Courtroom of Attraction to determine; they might select to listen to oral proof; proof in rebuttal of the brand new proof could also be adduced; what within the upshot the proof proves and what its admissibility and relevance if referred to as on the trial would have been must be assessed as will the petitioners rationalization for not having adduced that proof at trial.

* * * * * * * *

Their Lordships have after some hesitation determined that the proof of Dr. Eastman does justify a remission to the Courtroom of Attraction in order that the Courtroom of Attraction could rethink the attraction of Indravani Ramjattan bearing in mind that proof. They don’t overlook that there are nonetheless obstacles to be overcome earlier than she will efficiently problem the jury’s verdict.

* * * * * * * *

It also needs to be famous that their Lordships’ Board have dismissed the petitions of Denny Baptiste and Haniff Hillaire.

The Private Interviews

The Privy Council has firmly put the ball again within the Courtroom of the Trinidadian Courtroom of Attraction. Arguments within the case had been set for July 8, 1999, however have been continued by the Courtroom of Attraction to November of 1999. We have no idea how lengthy it would take the Courtroom to rule after the arguments.

Whereas in Trinidad I spoke with Anthony Carmona, Chief Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, who was writing the transient for the federal government within the Ramjattan case, and with Rangee Dolsingh, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions who was to argue the case for the federal government within the Courtroom of Attraction. After their overview of the Privy Council ruling they opined that the Courtroom of Attraction, after listening to arguments, may concern one among three rulings: 1) Discover a miscarriage of Justice within the case and order a retrial, 2) Enter a substitution of verdict and scale back the conviction to manslaughter, or 3) Discover the psychological proof not credible, dismiss the attraction and reestablish the unique demise sentence.

Mr. Dolsingh indicated that he’ll argue forcefully that the demise sentence ought to be upheld. He believed that Ms. Ramjattan is an clever girl who has exaggerated the quantity of abuse that she suffered by the hands of her deceased husband. It was his private perception that the imposition of the demise penalty ought to be gender impartial and that the demise penalty ought to be carried out in Ms. Ramjattan’ s case, given the brutality of the crime. Nonetheless, Mr. Dolsingh confided that he believes that public coverage in Trinidad wouldn’t enable a girl to be hanged. This sentiment was echoed by Mr. Justice George A. Edoo, Ombudsman of Trinidad and Tobago, with whom I additionally met throughout my go to to the nation. Mr. Justice Edoo, who throughout his profession presided over quite a few homicide trials, acknowledged merely that ladies shouldn’t be put to demise. He maintains that it was his opinion, and he believes and the opinion of nearly all of Trinidadians, that to place a girl to demise, any girl, can be like placing your sister or your mom to demise. It’s too unseemly to ponder. Maybe, Justice Edoo has articulated the foundation of gender bias in demise penalty instances. The unseemly notion of, maybe, placing our sisters or moms to demise.

Many Trinidadians had been happy to see that the federal government had sentenced Dole Chadee and eight members of his ruthless drug gang to demise. All 9 of them had been hanged just a few months previous to my journey to Trinidad. Nonetheless, many on the road in Port of Spain expressed the opinion that it could show unpopular with the voters to place one girl to demise. I additionally had the chance to talk to others concerning the concern. Douglas Mendes is likely one of the attorneys who had labored on the transient for Ms. Ramjattan’ s case, in addition to briefs for quite a lot of different demise penalty instances. Lawyer Mendes was determined – he doesn’t imagine that there ought to be gender equality within the demise penalty – as a result of he believes there ought to be no demise penalty anyplace on this planet. Mr. Mendes refused to invest as to what the Courtroom of Attraction would do with respect to Ms. Ramjattan’ s case. I, later, had the chance to satisfy with Lawyer Gaitry Pargass, native counsel for Ms. Ramjattan on the time of each her Privy Council appeals. Lawyer Pargass believed one of the best ruling from the Courtroom Attraction can be the order of a brand new trial, thereby permitting counsel to current the very compelling battered partner syndrome proof by means of knowledgeable testimony and eyewitness testimony. She believed such proof would result in an acquittal. Nonetheless, Lawyer Pargass confided that Ms. Ramjattan has instructed her that she didn’t have the psychological wherewithal to endure a second trial. Lawyer Pargass believed that if the Courtroom of Attraction substituted a manslaughter conviction for the capital homicide conviction the trial staff may then argue for her launch on grounds that she had served satisfactory time for the crime.

My closing interviews whereas in Trinidad was with Keith Renaud, the assistant Superintendent of Police. Superintendent Renaud believes that there shouldn’t be the quantity of crime that his small nation is going through. He believes that the demise penalty is required in Trinidad to ship a sign to criminals that the legislation shall be upheld. Nonetheless, it was his prediction, given the politics of the nation, Ms. Ramjattan wouldn’t be hanged. The irony Renaud factors out is that the Prime Minister and his Get together symbolize the ethnic majority — these of East Indian descent (40.3% of the inhabitants). All 9 of the lads members of the Dole Chadee gang executed in June had been of East Indian descent. This was seen by the general public as a daring and widespread transfer to eradicate crime. But, Ms. Ramjattan can also be of East Indian descent. Nearly all of folks within the nation didn’t imagine a girl ought to be put to demise. Such an execution would have harmed the goodwill that the Panday authorities has constructed. There actually seems to be gender-bias with respect to the demise penalty in Trinidad. I feel that is good. Maybe, a primary step to the abolition of the demise penalty altogether.

Ms. Ramjattan didn’t ship the demise blows that killed her husband. These had been meted out by two male buddies to whom she had turned for assist. All through the trial, she insisted that she referred to as them merely to rescue her, to not kill her husband. The jury didn’t imagine her. She was convicted as an aider and abettor – she was, due to this fact, as responsible because the principals who struck the demise blows. Secondly, at trial Ms. Ramjattan didn’t as soon as utter the phrases “battered partner.” Her technique was merely to say that she was not a celebration to the violence that killed her husband.

Nonetheless, as I perceive the protection at this level, Ms. Ramjattan’s lawyer will use the proof of her battered state to point out that she had a psychological state which might have “diminished accountability” for the crime. That’s, her actions as an aider and abettor had been a product of the abuse she had suffered for thus a few years from her husband, and thereby had distorted her thoughts and psychological processes.

The Reluctance To Put Girls To Dying

Mr. Justice Edoo believes that Ms. Ramjattan’ s life shall be spared as a result of to execute a girl can be like killing our sisters or our moms. One other means of expressing this thought could also be that society prefers to consider ladies as passive, not highly effective or aggressive. To execute a girl is to acknowledge that ladies may be violent.

Leigh Beinen, a legislation professor who research gender bias in capital instances, contends the rationale so few ladies face execution has to do with the symbolism that’s central to the demise penalty. She states “Capital punishment is about portraying folks as devils, however ladies are often seen as much less threatening.” Beinen believes that juries and judges have a tendency to seek out extra mitigating components in capital instances involving ladies than in ones involving males. She additional maintains that ladies who kill spouses are sometimes seen as victims. Girls are more likely to kill somebody they know with out premeditation, which is taken into account much less severe than killing a stranger.

Elizabeth Rapaport, a scholar who doesn’t imagine that there’s inherent gender-bias with respect to the demise penalty within the U.S., argues that the majority murders, whether or not dedicated by males or ladies, are usually not sufficiently aggravated to tempt prosecutors to pursue a demise penalty. She additionally believes that an necessary motive why so few ladies are eligible for capital sentences is that ladies who kill are extra probably than males to kill household and different intimates in anger than for a predatory goal. Predatory homicide is dedicated to realize some materials or different benefit, in distinction with killing that seems to be stimulated by highly effective emotion. Felony and different predatory murders are most frequently dedicated towards strangers and least usually dedicated towards household and different intimates.

Ms. Ramjattan has no prior prison report. In fact, what could also be considered as not predatory in america wouldn’t cross muster in Trinidad. The prosecutor will argue to the Courtroom of Attraction that Ms. Ramjattan referred to as the killers to her house, she supplied them the homicide weapon, after which gave them the kerosene with which to set her husband afire. Though seemingly cold-blooded, these don’t seem like predatory acts as outlined by Rapaport. They weren’t carried out for materials achieve. As a substitute, it seems that revenge was the motive. But, Mr. Dolsingh believed the acts of Ms. Ramjattan had been as predatory and crafty as these of an animal.


Courts are often conservative about forging new legislation and would quite await enter from the legislature. If the Courtroom of Attraction doesn’t determine to overturn the demise penalty for Ms. Ramjattan it may have been potential that the President or the Prime Minister may commute the demise sentence to a life sentence. This isn’t with out precedent and should make for a compromise center floor for the nation.

A couple of months after I returned to the U.S. from Trinidad the Courtroom of Attraction in Trinidad shocked the ESC authorized group by ruling in favor of Ramjattan, even earlier than oral argument may very well be heard. Though oral arguments had been set for November 18, 1999, on October 8, 1999, the courtroom of attraction voided Ramjattan’ s homicide conviction and substituted one among manslaughter. Chief Justice Michael de la Bastide, in an oral opinion, overturned Ramjattan’ s demise sentence, acknowledged that she had suffered from battered spouse syndrome, and in consequence suffered “diminished accountability” for the killing of her husband Alexander Jordan.

In lowering the costs towards her, the choose then sentenced Ramjattan to 5 years in jail, along with the eight years she had already endured since first being arrested for the crime. In essence, a precedent was set: for the primary time within the ESC, battered spouse syndrome was dominated a legit protection to a capital homicide cost. Nonetheless, to some the victory is a hole one due to the 5 extra years Ramjattan needed to spend in jail. A Trinidadian newspaper aired the sentiment of many who’ve adopted the case when it opined:

The elimination of Indravani Pamela Ramjattan, 36, from demise row was insufficient. She may have been let loose given the brutality she endured which led to her crime… Whereas it’s comprehensible that the courts wouldn’t wish to ship a sign to abused wives that conspiring to kill their husbands is a means out, the years Ramjattan has already spent on Dying Row ought to have been considered in passing sentence.

Once more, I sought the perception of Rangee Dolsingh as to the flip of occasions with respect to the actions of the courtroom of attraction. Mr. Dolsingh, who was to argue the case on behalf of the federal government on November 18, 1999, was additionally bewildered by the flip of occasions. He indicated to me in a phone convention that he nonetheless had not discovered why the courtroom of attraction made the choice to overturn the homicide conviction with out additional argument. Additional, Mr. Dolsingh indicated that he believed it was the psychiatric report of Dr. Nigel Eastman that satisfied the courtroom of attraction that there was ample proof within the report of diminished accountability due to the quantity of abuse and battering suffered by Ramjattan. Mr. Dolsingh believes that the case isn’t but over. He maintained that Ramjattan had each proper to, as soon as once more, go to the Privy Council in an effort to have her sentence decreased to time served.

What we will say with a point of certainty is that my prediction rang true. The inherent gender-bias with respect to placing ladies to demise saved Ramjattan from the gallows within the English-speaking Caribbean. It’s my understanding that Ms. Ramjattan was quietly launched from jail in 2003, and resides in Trinidad along with her youngsters.


Source by Leonard Birdsong

The Editor

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