
Portugal – Modern slavery for an EU passport | DW Documentary

In Portugal, staff from south Asia choose the berries that fill European grocery store cabinets. It is a back-breaking job…

3 years ago

What Governments Don’t Want You To Know About Modern Slavery

The battle to finish trendy slavery has develop into a celebrated trigger, championed by celebrities and governments. However this battle…

3 years ago

Fighting Fear: Combating Hate Crimes, Violence, and Xenophobia in Modern America

Streamed on July 29, 2021 Whereas the nationwide spike in hate crimes and different xenophobic acts has left many sounding…

3 years ago

Images of Hungarians and Romanians in Modern American Media and Popular Culture

[ad_1] ROMANIANS...JERRY SEINFELD: (making an attempt desperately to make dialog) So, Ceausescu. He should've been some dictator.KATYA [A guest character,…

3 years ago

Modern Immigrant: Breaking barriers, as a Latina and as an immigrant with Yessi Bause

How are you breaking limitations?? We're again! Yessi is a primary era school graduate scholar, a Latina and an immigrant…

3 years ago

Uncovering The Dark Roots Of Modern Anti-Immigration Policy | MSNBC

There are excessive hopes that President Biden can reform immigration in America, however the one approach to discover options is…

3 years ago

Immigration News Inspector finds HO fails Modern Day Slaves 5 prosecutions in 2 years, 15,000 slaves

Immigration Information - Residence Workplace fails to guard trafficking victims. Yet one more failure for Priti Patel and her “humane”…

3 years ago